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Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1) Page 9

  “Talk to me.”

  “It just felt…different,” Lily murmured.

  “It did,” he admitted.

  “I-I think you should go,” Lily choked out around the emotion clogging her throat.


  “Go, please. I can’t feel like this. It’s too much. I’m going to throw up.” Lily pushed him off her and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door and skidding to the toilet to throw up. She heaved over the porcelain god, losing her dinner. She sobbed as she puked, her nerves getting the better of her and terrifying her.

  Luca had made love to her, and she’d felt connected to him in a way she’d never felt connected to another human being before. Any other man in her twenty-nine years she’d had sex with had just been a quick orgasm, but this, this was two souls connecting on another plane of consciousness, and she wasn’t ready for something like that.

  Once she felt empty, she stood and cleaned herself up. Opening the door, tears filled her eyes as she found him gone. A part of her had wanted him to stay, but the other was glad he was gone. She fell into bed and curled up on her side. Sobs shook her as she cried into her pillow.

  Chapter Eleven

  Highway of Regret

  Lily stood in line at the coffee shop in the mall, ready and willing to drown her regrets in a huge cup of coffee. Her sleep had been broken, and when she woke to see a condom still sitting on the nightstand, she’d throbbed in spite of herself, wishing she hadn’t sent him away. But things had turned from heat to sweet just a little too fast, and she couldn’t process it all yet.

  “What can I get you, Lily?” the barista asked.

  “Something big, strong, and full of caffeine,” she grumbled.

  “You look like shit. Are you okay?”

  “I’ve been better.” Lily ran her hands through her tangled hair and pulled it back from her face with a pony tail holder from her wrist.

  “Here. Have a grande mocha, on the house.” The girl smiled at her, and Lily tried to smile back.


  She hurried to work and opened up shop for the day. She didn’t even want to face Olivia, but in bopped the perky girl an hour after the store opened.

  “Morning, Lily. So what did you think of my bro—whoa, you look like shit.” Olivia rushed to the counter.

  “That seems to be the consensus. Your brother is very nice,” she murmured brusquely.

  “Oh, no. I know that look. No, no, no. You didn’t fall in love with my brother. Please tell me you didn’t fall in love with Luca. Shit,” Olivia groaned.

  “What? Fall in love with him?” Lily snorted. “I think that’s a bit much.”

  “Oh, your lips say one thing and your eyes another. You can’t fall in love with my brother,” Olivia warned.

  “Well, there’s no concern there. I’m not in love with him.”

  Olivia shook her head firmly and hurried to the back presumably to clock in. She came back a few moments later. “My brother works for the FBI,” she hissed, her voice low so none of the customers would hear.

  “I know that. He told me.”

  Olivia’s brown eyes went wide. “Luca told you?”

  “Yes, he was watching some mob guy last night,” Lily whispered back. “It’s no big deal, okay, I’m not in love with him.”

  “Lily, he never tells people that. Ever. Why would he tell you…unless he’s in love with you too? Oh my God, he’s in love with you!” She squealed and clamped a hand over her mouth as she sobered. “I was thinking you two would just go on a date and that would be that… It’s too dangerous for him to really get involved with someone, at least right now... The only reason the mob doesn’t look at us is because Luca has a different last name since we have different dads, and we never meet in the city. Well, at least not too often. I told him to be careful. He promised me he would be.”

  “Wait. So, I’m in danger? Oh so that’s what you meant by saying he was dangerous! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I hope not. You two just went to dinner and a movie, right? And I didn’t really tell you because honestly my brother needs to get out and mingle with people. I am an idiot, okay? My mom is about to lose her mind to get grandbabies, and I figured you would go out with him… Maybe you two would have sex, and that would be that. I doubt you’re in danger, I mean the mob usually targets people that are really close to those who are giving them trouble. So, if you guys just went for dinner… You’re fine.”

  “Wait what, the mob? Yeah that’s all we did, just go to dinner. Right,” Lily lied through her teeth. No, your brother came to my house and fucked me so hard I can barely walk today, and he made me feel…things.

  “Yeah, the mob. He’s trying to take down a cell here in Boston. You should be safe. I’ll just tell him the next time he sees you to take you out of the city. Until he busts this guy, he has to be careful. He knows better.” Olivia breathed a sigh of relief.

  “There won’t be a next time,” Lily said firmly, skirting around the younger girl to help a customer.

  The busyness of the day kept them apart until late afternoon when Olivia nudged her and hissed, “Why won’t there be a next time?”

  Lily shrugged as if she didn’t care at all. “We just didn’t connect.”

  “Oh. Crap. Well, that’s okay. I won’t push it then. Man, my mom will be totally bummed, but I guess it’s for the best he doesn’t really connect with anyone until this job is done.”

  Lily panicked while she helped teenagers pick out clothes. The mob? Oh my God… He came to my house. He came to my house. He came…to my house! Why didn’t she tell me I needed to be careful? Why did he come to my house? Okay, I know why he came to my house, but it was stupid, especially if he doesn’t even see his family in town. What if I end up swimming with the fishes? Mob guys do that, right? Ah, shit.

  She watched the clock, counting down the seconds until she could close the store and haul ass for home. Her fingers itched to pull out her phone and call Laura and Abby, to tell them everything that was going on, but she couldn’t just break rules on the floor. With five minutes left until closing, she waited on the last customer and began breaking down her till, praying that no one else came in.

  Olivia touched her arm, and Lily shrieked and jumped. “What?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Let’s get closed down, okay?”

  “Sure.” Olivia turned away quickly, and they shut down the store. Lily didn’t even acknowledge the girl as she left for home. Instead, she followed behind her, locking the door and sliding down the bars.

  Lily hoped her imagination was just overactive and that nothing bad would happen. I mean, really, it was just one date. It will be fine. She rushed for the parking lot and darted to her car. Her fingers trembled as she jerked her phone from her purse and began dialing Abby’s number.

  “Hello?” Abby answered.

  “Abby, I—” She jumped as a hand touched her arm. Spinning quickly, she gasped as she saw Luca standing there. “I’ll call you back.”

  “Get in your car and go home,” Luca demanded roughly. “Go straight inside and lock your door.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you don’t even see your family in town? Why didn’t you tell me you were trying to take down the freaking mob? I could die!”

  “Hush. Olivia told me your name, and I looked you up. I knew who you were by your online profiles, and I couldn’t just blow off a date with you. I lied saying I didn’t know it was you. Yes, I’m trying to take down some guys here… but I figured one date wouldn’t hurt. I had to see you again. I needed to see you again, Lily. I slipped up, okay? I messed up. But I need you to trust me right now. Get in your car and go straight home. Please,” Luca begged, his hands coming up to grip her arms.

  “Don’t touch me!” Lily snapped, pulling from his grasp.

  “That’s not what you said last night.”

  “Last night I was a fool.”

  “No, I was. I was s
tupid thinking I could have something with a girl like you while I’m trying to bring down some of the biggest mob bosses in Boston. I put you in danger. I have to back off now. I’m going to go back to Washington DC. I have to make them think I’m giving up, and then you’ll be safe, okay, Lily?”

  “That’s stupid! You’re going to give up fighting crime because someone might try to hurt me? No one is going to bother me.” Lily snorted. “I think you’ve watched too much Law and Order.” She opened her car door and turned to sit in her seat.

  Before she bent her knees, Luca grasped her arms and jerked her into his chest. “Listen to me. These men are dangerous.”

  “Just like you.”

  “No, they’ll cut your throat and watch you bleed out with a smile on their face. Me? I’ll just make you fall in love with me. Neither of those you need. Neither of those I need right now. So listen to me. Go home, Lily. Forget my name. Forget my kiss. Forget my touch. Forget I existed. Then you’ll be safe.” Luca insisted.

  Lily gulped and nodded. “I’ll go home.”


  “What about Olivia?” she whispered, worried for her friend.

  “She won’t work with you anymore. We have to keep our distance. No connections. No loose ends. I’m going to convince her to come to DC with me. I’ve been working on my parents too. I’m going home and telling them what’s going on. We’re leaving tonight, one way or the other. Goodbye, Lily. Without me here, you’ll be safe.” Luca turned to leave, and Lily reached for him, grabbing at his leather jacket.

  “What will happen to you?”

  “I’ll probably be demoted to a desk job. But it’s my own fault. Who knew a girl puking on my shoes would be my downfall? Take care of yourself. It was fun while it lasted.” Luca jerked away from her grasp and disappeared into the night. Lily stood silently for a moment beside her car before sliding behind the wheel and locking all the doors.

  Jamming the key into the ignition, she blew out a breath and started the car. Her tears started as soon as she pulled out of the parking lot. I’ll never see him again. I’ll never, ever see Luca De Soros again. She wiped at her eyes and pulled her phone from her pocket.

  Dialing Abby, she sniffled and tried to stay on the road. “Abby?” She sobbed as her best friend picked up.

  “What the hell is going on? You’re crying.”

  “I need you guys. Please. Meet me at the apartment.”

  She hung up and parked in her spot, eyeballing the dusk as she exited the car. Running at breakneck speed, she hurried up the stairs and into her building. Every creak and rustle in the building made her jump, and she was in a panic by the time she made it to her door. Unlocking it, she slipped inside and threw the bolt.

  She screamed as a knock came at the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s us, you twit!” Abby called.

  “Oh, thank God,” Lily opened the door and let her best friends in.

  “What the hell is going on? Were you expecting the boogie man?” Abby giggled.

  Lily nodded, unable to speak for a moment. Finally, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “Yeah, kinda.” She flopped on the couch and rubbed her eyes. “Last night I went on a date with my co-worker’s brother.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us so we could help you get ready?” Laura gasped, her eyes huge in her face. “Was he hot?”

  “Oh…very.” Lily blushed hot.

  “Okay…so he was hot. You obviously had sex because your face is strumpet red.” Abby smirked.

  “We did,” Lily admitted.

  “Ooh! Lily got laid! Was it good?” Laura squealed, bouncing up and down on the couch.

  “It was…amazing. Unnerving. I-I have never…” Lily trailed off, blushing harder.

  “Oh my God, you love him!” Abby screeched.

  “No! What? No. It’s not going to work out anyway. He’s an FBI agent, and he put me in danger. He’s hauling ass with his family back to DC hoping that if he takes the heat off them that they won’t bother me.” Lily waved her hand in the air as if brushing away something inconsequential.

  Abby and Laura sat silent for a moment, their faces twin pictures of shock. Abby spoke first. “Who won’t bother you?”

  “The mob.” Lily shrugged. “No one is going to bother me. I tried to tell him that he was watching too much Law and Order, but he was insistent that he had to go. It’s all well and good anyway, we weren’t going to work.”

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” Abby whispered.


  “The mob is a big deal. Haven’t you ever seen The Godfather?” Laura breathed.

  “I’m not concerned. I’m just going to work. Oh, by the way, guess who’s a manager now?” Lily informed them.

  “That’s great!” Laura squealed, hugging her tight.

  “I knew you’d be a manager, but that doesn’t make me forget this mob business.” Abby sighed.

  “It’s not a big deal. I’m not worried.”

  “Right, that’s why you screamed like a nun getting felt up by a priest when we knocked on the door.” Abby huffed, rolling her eyes.

  “It’s not a huge deal. It’s going to be fine. Everything will be fine.” Lily reassured them.

  “Mmhm.” Abby crossed her arms. “So is your work hiring? I think I need a job.”

  Lily giggled. “As a matter of fact…I think I could get you a job.” She sobered slightly and sighed. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m a little worried.”

  “Well, nothing is gonna happen. Because we just won’t let it. And forget him, you can find someone else.”

  “Yeah! Who needs him?” Laura echoed.

  Me. Oh, God, I need him. In every position in the Kama Sutra and then some. But you don’t always get what you want…

  Chapter Twelve

  Something Tells Me, I’m Not Alone

  Lily buried herself in work for the next week, training Abby and pretending that everything was fine. The truth was, nothing was fine, and everything was a wreck. Abby didn’t know jack shit about working in retail, and Lily was ready to strangle her. Orange is not my color. Stripes are not my pattern, and jail will not be a friendly place for me. She repeated constantly, and the words became her new mantra. Abby had crashed the register again for the third time in two hours.

  “Abby, please, just go.” Lily pointed to the back of the store and her eyes flashed.

  “But…” Abby argued.

  “Either go or I will cunt punt you. I did it once, and I swear before everything that’s holy, I’ll do it again,” Lily hissed, turning her attention to the gawking customer. “I’m so sorry for her incompetence, how about twenty percent off?”

  Once the store cleared, she walked to the back and called for Abby. “Come back and let’s try this again.”

  Abby’s head hung low, and she sniffled. “You know I’m not good at this.”

  “I know. I’m sorry for snapping at you. I know this is a big life change for you, and I’m trying to be supportive.” Lily hugged Abby and smiled. “Now, let’s try the register again.”

  Olivia had never shown back up to work, much like Luca had promised, and it really left her in a bind. She convinced Paul to hire Abby, pretty much promising if she screwed up she’d lose her job. They were looking for someone else to help with things too, just in case Abby didn’t work out. Paul told her that she had another week to train Abby, and if she couldn’t get it by then, she was fired.

  Lily took a slow breath and went through the training one last time for the register. She pretended to be a customer and had Abby ring her up. As Abby managed to stumble through the transaction without a hitch, Lily cheered.

  “You did it!”

  They high fived, and Lily sighed in relief. We may keep our jobs yet.

  Abby left an hour before closing, and Lily finished the night by herself. Being alone gave her too much time to think. Luca was a constant presence in her mind, and she hated that she thought of him so often. She wondered if he was okay, if he was mise
rable doing desk work, and she really missed Olivia. The younger girl had become a friend. Closing up the store, she locked up and left the mall. The night was cloudy and dark, and an involuntary shiver coursed through her.

  She rushed across the parking lot and fumbled with her keys. Her breath came fast as she heard the sound of steps. Glancing over her shoulder, she scanned the mostly empty parking lot and saw nothing. But she could still hear the sound of someone walking toward her, a slow click click sound that left her breathless.

  “Who’s there?” Lily called out.

  No answer, only the slow clicking sound of someone walking closer. She jammed her key into the lock and opened her door. Before she could step into the car, a beefy arm grasped her and pulled her away from the vehicle. Lily screamed, and her sounds were silenced by a hand over her mouth. She bit at the fingers and the man hissed in her ear. “Stop it!”

  Lily kept trying to bite him between screams as he dragged her away. Her pulse skittered in her throat, and she heard a door sliding open on a vehicle. Before she could scream again, she was shoved into the back of a black SUV and the vehicle pulled away. Lily screamed then, long and loud. “Don’t kill me!” she begged.

  “Lily, stop screaming,” a calm man’s voice told her. “No one is going to kill you. We just want to talk to you.” He reached out with a pale hand. “Come sit on the seat and buckle in.”

  “Are you the mob?” Lily squeaked out, her voice quavering. She backed up against the door and fumbled for the handle. Jerking it twice, she found it to be locked. Shit.

  “No. We’re the FBI. We need your help. You’re locked in until we release the child safety switch, and we’re not releasing it at this time.”

  Lily eyed his proffered hand for a moment and finally shifted to accept it and clambered onto the seat beside him. She buckled her seatbelt quickly and turned to stare at the man. “Why should I believe you? Is Luca okay?”

  “De Soros is fine,” the man replied. “You should believe me because I’m telling you the truth. We need your assistance. We’re trying to bring down the mob, and De Soros has screwed everything up. I need you to trust us, though. We want to send you inside. You’d be undercover and safe. We have a few guys in the mob now who are undercover. Some of them are CIA and others are FBI. They’ve been working for a few years to gain the mob’s trust. The mob knows who De Soros is, and they know he’s sniffing around. We were planning on using De Soros to lure them out and take them down from the inside. But now De Soros has screwed things up with you. We told him no dates, no connecting with people in town that they mob could use against him. The mob knows who you are, Lily. They’re watching you. They know where you live, where you work, and your favorite coffee, which by the way is a Frappuccino. They want to use you to bring De Soros in to kill him. We’re going to make sure that the two of you get to keep your lives. If we let things play out how they’ve planned, they’ll kill you both. But, if we let one of the guys we have in there ‘capture’ you, and you play the part, we can get De Soros in there and take these guys out.”